Visit of the Hble. Minister of Social Rights, Carles Campuzano, at CDIAP EDAI Sant Martí

EDAI staff trains at EXAC-T Centre of Excellence in Tours (France)

New Group Therapy Program at CDIAP EDAI Sant Martí: promoting Comprehensive Child Development

EDAI Retiro increases the slots for its Early Year Services in agreement with the Commundad de Madrid

Success at the EDAI Symposium at CaixaForum, Madrid

EDAI starts an innovative therapeutic group with five boys and girls diagnosed with severe Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

EDAI Retiro, new Early Years Attention Centre of the Comunidad de Madrid

Aquatic therapy at CDIAP EDAI Sant Marti with Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE)

EDAI awards the 2nd prize of the 2nd Edition of the EDAI Research & Development Awards to Centre Carrilet

EDAI signs a collaboration with “la Caixa” Foundation for a new project to support families with children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders