EDAI Conference for Education Professionals

EDAI Conference for Education Professionals: “From School to Clinical Practice:
Adding Perspectives to Face New Challenges”

On March 22, 2019, we organized a conference specifically for professionals in the field of education, at CosmoCaixa Barcelona.

The presentations covered diverse topics such as new technologies in schools, learning difficulties, adaptation challenges, classroom behavior, and bullying prevention in schools.

On this occasion, we were joined by speakers from both the educational and clinical fields: Jordi Costa-Pau, Leticia Asenjo, Mónica Lavilla, Thaïs Rosal, Belén Novoa, Àfrica Ibáñez, Jesús Molina, Gemma Martí, Alfons Salmerón, Ainhoa Corbera, and Marta Arranz.

Last Works

EDAI & Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona Project

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ASD and Virtual Reality

Intervention at AMPA Escuelas Aguirre, Madrid